In a society of broken homes and families, so many students are left without realizing their self-worth and who God created them to be. After a conversation with the assistant principal in a local high school, it was evident that we had to do something to reach the young ladies in West Texas. After finishing the 7 Project, this principal said, "If I could pick any form of assembly, I would want something specifically for our girls. The most difficult population on our campus is our young ladies- from self-worth, to comparison, and looking for love from anyone that will pay them attention- we need something for them." Out of that conversation the idea for the Illuminate Girls Conference was born. 

In 2015, presentations were made in several area schools before hosting the event, and God moved in a powerful way in so many of our girls. This year we believe there is more to do and that God is going to move through this event once again. All information will be finalized soon, but please plan to join us this year:

Illuminate Girls Conference

May 13-14, 2016, Plainview 1st A/G

Speaker: Tara Kenyon

Event Posters & promo video COMING SOON!